Page name: HBK fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-07 20:05:14
Last author: lenardo
Owner: lenardo
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This is a page for all you HBK fans.
If u don't already know who he is he is the The Show Stoppa The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michales and he also the best wrestler ever.
important stuff about hbk
banners for HBK
hbk pictures
hbk members
current events with hbk
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2005-01-21 [lenardo]: if u want to join just ask me

2005-01-21 [Cloudwatcher]: O.o whats hbk??? i am drawing a blank...

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: he is a wrestler the best one ever

2005-01-21 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: The Heartbreak Kid - Shawn Michaels! The Show Stoppa!

2005-01-21 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: OH YEA!! First member! *Dances and sings* He's just a sexy boy! Not no boy toy! *Stops singing* Oops... ^_^

2005-01-21 [Lord InuYasha]: Hiya

2005-01-21 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: ^_^ Hiya!

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: hiya

2005-01-21 [Hokage Hagakure]: WOOP!!!

2005-01-21 [Hokage Hagakure]: WOOP!!!

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: anyone who has a scanner and pictures tell me so we can put up some pictures of HBK

2005-01-21 [Thunder Cid]: ok you have to put me on here

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: i will

2005-01-21 [Thunder Cid]: thanks

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: your welcome

2005-01-21 [Alias.]: hello

2005-01-21 [Thunder Cid]: I think we should put him on he's pretty cool and he says he can draw.

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: i was going to anyway

2005-01-21 [Alias.]: I can draw and I can put a few pictures on if you want.

2005-01-21 [Thunder Cid]: cool

2005-01-21 [lenardo]: do it please

2005-01-22 [cloud.]: hello

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: u want to join

2005-01-22 [cloud.]: what the hell does hbk even mean

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: *Heark Break Kid* *Shawn Michales* *The Show Stoppa*

2005-01-22 [cloud.]: no its ok id rather not since i dont know who that is

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: ok

2005-01-22 [topaz dragon]: who is HKB??

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: *Shawn Michales* *Heark Break Kid* *The Show Stoppa*

2005-01-22 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: *Sighs* How many times do we have to answer this? LOL!  Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels The Show Stoppa!

2005-01-22 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Why would someone come to an HBK wiki if they don't know who/what HBK is? o.O

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: don't know but it gets annoying after so long

2005-01-22 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Especially if the answer is still on that page... *Points up just a few comments prior*

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: yeah

2005-01-22 [topaz dragon]: if you wanna make ppls stop asking it then maybe put it on the wiki??

2005-01-22 [lenardo]: it's there

2005-01-22 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: If I see a link to a fan club of some sort and I don't know what/who the fan club is about... the last thing I care to do is to peek in and ask "What is it?" IF I have to ask then I'm obviously not a fan, and if I'm not a fan of who/whatever... I don't belong there now do I? (I hope that didn't come off to smart ass like or bitchy... =/ )

2005-01-22 [topaz dragon]: yeah NOW its there cuz NOW you changed it and archeres.. it did come of bitchy.. but doesnt stopping watching it now so wont reply bye all

2005-01-22 [Alias.]: That person was a bithch. lol

2005-01-22 [topaz dragon]: oh sry forgot to stop watching this after all.. but i just got curious...whos a bitch??

2005-01-22 [Thunder Cid]: no one

2005-01-22 [Alias.]: Oh sorry I meant to say bitch. Thanks for baking me up cheeto.

2005-01-23 [lenardo]: new banner

2005-01-23 [Orgasmo]: ok, does anyone remember the awesome ladder match when HBK fought Razor Ramon?

2005-01-23 [lenardo]: i do

2005-01-23 [Orgasmo]: dude ur only 14, it was b4 u were born! or when u were about 2/3

2005-01-23 [lenardo]: i seen it on movie

2005-01-23 [lenardo]: do u want to join

2005-01-23 [Orgasmo]: nah, to be honest i was never a fan! i always rooted for bret hart and razor! just brings back memories of good times :D

2005-01-23 [lenardo]: ok

2005-01-26 [lenardo]: shawn michales is better

2005-01-28 [Thunder Cid]: HBK

2005-02-15 [Outta Control]: hey i'm fan of shawn michale but The Undertaker is the best

2005-02-17 [lenardo]: ok

2005-02-18 [Thunder Cid]: Yeah but your canadian

2005-02-20 [Alias.]: lol

2005-02-21 [Outta Control]: lol so what if i'm canadian eh! lmao i love sayin that

2005-02-25 [LovinLIFE]: Hey dudes! HBK is awesome and I think angle is a whimp not to accept his challenge for wrestlemania. so can you add me to your wiki. if you can thanks/

2005-02-26 [lenardo]: ok i will

2005-02-26 [Thunder Cid]: What does lmao mean?

2005-02-26 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Laughing My Ass Off

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: thank you.

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: So what are all you people up to tonight?

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: were just sittin around. you?

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: working on my new's going to be awesome!!

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: what's it about?

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: well it's a WWE superstars wiki!! hehe i can't tell you "his/her" name just that they are one of the most loved wwe superstars to walk this earth.

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: I made one on the hurricane and rosey it's called [s.h.i.t] and I'm going to take a guess on your wiki stone cold or shannon moore.

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: if your the person who made [randy lovers united!!!] or [batista lovers] will you put [s.h.i.t] on the list please.

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: ooh..good guess. and i'm not to offend anyone who likes shanon moore but he's not that great.....and he doesn't get a lot of show time, which doesn't help him much. but yeah it's Austin

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: yeah sure.

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: thanks your my hero.

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: your welcome

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: but [s.h.i.t] dosent have a . after t

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: I GOT it for you.

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: ok ok sorry I diddnt mean to upset you.

2005-02-27 [LovinLIFE]: you didn't, but i did put it up for you..okay

2005-02-27 [Thunder Cid]: thank you I appricate it.

2005-02-27 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: [*Approaches with a solemn dull expression* I've just been informed, tonight that a good friend of mine, and a fellow wrestling fan] ([NewBlood]) [has passed away... I'm not in a possition where I can say how or why, but just keep him and his friend and family in your mind and prayers.] (I am posting this on all wrestlling wikis, btw.)

2005-02-27 [lenardo]: I'm sorry I hope you fell beter about all of this

2005-03-01 [juvi phase2.0(new poll)]: all of the wrestlers at EHWF will keep him in our thoughts


2005-03-01 [lenardo]: I know and he will kick him all around the arena

2005-03-01 [LovinLIFE]: yeah that will be cool. did you watch Raw...? HBK kicked ass!!! too bad he got all bloodied up before angle got in the ring and started beating on him

2005-03-01 [lenardo]: yeah if he wasn't all bloody he would of kicked his ass. even is Shawn gets a cut about a inch he will bleed for hours

2005-03-01 [LovinLIFE]: yeah i sucked how angle took advantage like that but he accepted his challenge and i am glad!!!

2005-03-01 [lenardo]: me to

2005-03-01 [LovinLIFE]: yeah!! so what would you think if Randy wanted to face the Undertaker at WrestleMania? do you think he would have a chance at beating him seeing as the undertaker is 12-0 at Mania

2005-03-01 [lenardo]: maybe a 1% chance but the thing i liked th emost was Hulk Hogan inducted into the hall of fame

2005-03-01 [LovinLIFE]: yeah....that was good news.....also what made me flipp out was Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to be on the Pipers Pitt!! YAY!! I LOVE Stone Cold

2005-03-01 [lenardo]: yeah i hope they both come back and wreslte in the wwe

2005-03-01 [LovinLIFE]: yeah me too i would just love it. i just have to get the new Raw and Smackdown magazine's Undertaker is on one cover and Austin is on the other!!! my dream team!!! i think they are both so HOT!!

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